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I'll be waiting for you..

Content: I started with this entry and it was a letter to someone who you really cared about and who significantly changed you. It was a beautiful letter. I like the way you write. You include a lot of reflection, feeling and just the way you structure your sentences and the words you use are great in some of the entries, like here but sometimes you wrote about what happened and though it wasn't too bad to read, you could have added more. You got a signature from Jason Gleason, a picture with him and all that.. That must've been so exciting for you but when I read it, it didn't seem like you were oozing excitement. Then you go back to writing the way I like in here. I really enjoy poetic-ness. And it's all really happening to you; you do a nice job writing about how you feel. I really wanted to read all of this entry but the layout wasn't done right. From what I read of it, it's awesome writing. (39/40).

Layout: This design is by Fusion Design and the picture used is really nice looking from here. I'm not a huge fan of anime, but the picture you've chosen is really good.. I love it! I just don't like all the white blended words in the background when it's behind the links part because that makes the white links hard to read. I also dislike how the navigation box overlaps with the picture and entry boxes. And maybe you could use more than just black and white for scrollbars, etc. But the font for entry is cool. I think the title's a bit big, but that's all right. Oh and the About you part is all the way to the right side so I didn't even know it was there at first. The font's a little small but it's an improvement from before. (14/20).

Emotions: I think you've written a lot about your emotions and that makes it interesting to read. Wow this was so well written. It was very creative, I loved the descriptive details and I can't believe you went through all that... It must've taken a lot to get it out in the open. And this entry was great too. And this is powerful, powerful stuff. (20/20).

Extras: You have a really good start for a quizzes page. Now you just need to link it in the template. But all you have is Imood, poetry, first diary.. (5/10).

Link: Yes, I found it. (5/5).

Contact: Email, notes, guestbook. (5/5).

Total: 88/100


Favorite Entry: I liked this and this. Plus many others.

Favorite Quote: There are so many, but here's a sample: Sometimes, I wish I could reach into my brain and pull out all the negativity I have about myself. Also, to kill all the guards at my heart. Then....after those few homicides, my brain's emotions for loss, brokeness, and heartbreak would all commit suicide. I may actually get some attention then. Could you just imagine me laying on the floor tembling with little voices in my head screaming -- NO! PLEASE! HAVE MERCY!-- that would be interesting-Indeed.

Comments: I loved you writing. And the picture for the newest layout is gorgeous.

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Reviewed by Kathy

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