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Annie's Diary

Content: You have a very positive outlook on life! I don't know if I would cope as well, if I were in your circumstances. You are very articulate for a 13-year-old. You say you can't spell, but I have not found many misspellings at all. Your grammar, punctuation, and ability to tell a story are all very impressive. Your entries cause the reader to really care! (37/40)

Layout: I like this's very patriotic, and I like bears! Some of the links at the top are not readable, because they are the same color as their background. Also, Previous and Next buttons would be nice. All in all though, a pleasing, easy-to-read layout. (18/20)

Emotions: There is a lot of emotion in this diary. There's an element of sadness, and who could blame you? Rather than feeling sorry for yourself, though, you have chosen to care about others and make the best of your life. What comes through most is someone who cares about family, people, and the world around her. Very well done! (20/20)

Extras: Cast, photos, 50 facts, 200 questions, reviews, and the Leukemia link. (10/10)

Link: It's on the Reviews page, and it works. (5/5)

Contact: E-mail, guestbook, notes, tag board. (5/5)

Favorite Quote: "Life is life is life is life is life. Somedays are hard, others are easy, while others make you feel like running and hiding. No matter which way you choose to see it ~ life is life!!!!!!!! DEAL WITH IT and then move on. My life isn't all sweet and cheery, but in no way will I allow myself to bring others down when I am down."

Comments: This is an expressive and compelling diary. I enjoyed reading it, and I will be back to read more in the future. Very, very good!

Total: (95/100) Congratulations, you are eligible to join the Sweet Gold diary ring! You will also be added to Sweetreview's favorites list. Keep writing...I'll be reading!

Reviewed by Mr. Grimm

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