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Life thru my eyes...

Content: You and are definitely different people and although some of the entries weren't too interesting, this one when you wrote about your father signing off with "luv yah, Big Daddy" and thinking about it so much. I love reading contemplations and the like. You worded the last part of the entry really well too. I could really get where you're coming from and feel for you. Sometimes you write all about matters such as piercings, people who copy that, etc but then you suprise me with something deeper. Like this entry when you were thinking about death and told us your thoughts, feelings about it. It's really beautiful that you're going to write a letter to everyone in your life, telling them how much you love them. We should all do that at some point and more than once, probably. So it's okay that you write about your life and what you're doing during a particular day, especially when you go into detail but it's even better when you go into your feelings and let us see the real you. I know what you mean about this entry because sometimes I want to avoid my diary or just Diaryland in general. But you're telling the people you know, friends, etc to stop bookmarking you and all that? I think all they want is to know what you've been up to because they care about you and everything... (34/40).

Layout: Wow, I think you've got a gorgeous layout and to make it even better, you designed it yourself right? I think you should have a little something about your layout link in the extras page so we know more about it. Anyways, I truly love it. The pale pink background matches well with darker red scroll bar and bars on top. Plus I love how when you put mouse over a link, it turns reddish with dashes on the outside. Then the picture you picked of the flower is so pretty and navigation is so easy with only five links! And ooh your archive page is so neatly done!(22/20).

Emotions: I think you've definitely improved in this department because you're opening up more, giving us more of yourself and writing details about your life and emotions, feelings or thoughts that cross your mind. And sometimes it's an entry about something not too much related to what's going on in your life, but it's philosophical and wonderful. (18/20).

Extras: You have 101 facts, cast, quizzes, reviews, rings, soundtrack, this or that thursdays. (The soundtrack was great!) (9/10).

Link: Yes, you have us text-linked. (5/5).

Contact: You have 6 ways to contact. Great job. But wait, there's no guestbook? (5/5).

Total: 93/100


Favorite Entry: The ones I linked in Content part.

Favorite Quote: In reality, it was because of him. Once in a while, I get sad because I can't physically be with him. I can't hug him when he says something sweet. I can't sit next to him and just talk. I can't lean my head against him when I become tired. I can only imagine it in my head. I can only give him text or my voice (not now though because my relative would have a shit fit if I got a phone call) and it doesn't feel like enough.

Comments: Well, thank you for requesting me and I enjoyed going through your diary. Congrats on the layout!
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Reviewed by Kathy

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