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la beaute� est aux yeux du beholder

Content: You write a lot of poems in this diary. Perhaps you can establish a poems page! It has a tone that makes me come into your world. I feel like I know you because of how you write. This poem was really nice, and I like your poems much, much better than your writing. It wasn�t that your writing wasn�t good, but you express yourself so much better in poems.

Content Score: 34/40

Layout: Beautiful layout. The images are beautiful. It was done by Pink Wings. The colours blend together in a very natural way and I love the fact that everything is organized and neat. The only thing I don�t quite like about this layout is the hover colour. It is red and is outrageous in your layout because everything else is brown. But on the whole, yes, I like your layout.

Layout Score: 15/20

Emotions: You write very emotionally and this is great! I really liked your diary for that. This entry, with the poem, was very, very good. You describe your feelings with a great style.

Emotions Score: 15/20

Extras: Profile, links, pictures and bio.

Extras Score: 8/10

Links: A working text link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Email, guestbook, notes.

Contact Score: 3/5

Total Score: 80/100 You are eligible to join the Silver Ring.


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite. I really could relate to you in this entry.

Favourite Quote: Soon I will become only that girl you used to love. And then just someone you used to know. And when I mean nothing to you, I hope you see that you got what you asked for. This is my favourite quote because that�s what I�m going through too. It�s nice to know someone who can feel the same as you do.

Comments: Beautiful diary. Your layout and writing blends in together perfectly. You feel so deeply about things, you put if perfectly in words, you make the reader feel it too. Good work. And it's a pleasure to read your diary.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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