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*Soanya *Loves* Zach*

Content: I stared reading with this entry. And what can I say? I loved it! It was so powerful and it really got to me. Love is a great thing and you described things so well. It was a great entry to start with. You sometimes write in a way that annoys me. You use words like "so0o0" and things like that. That gets to me sometimes but you have good entries on top of that. I love how you start every one with a quote. Those are great quotes and I loved reading them. That was one of my favorite parts in your diary. I love that you don't care what other people think of you. That really shows some guts. You can tell that in your diary. You write about you and only for you. That's what diaries are for and you can really tell that in your writing. You write a lot about Zach and love. That was a good poem and it came straight from the heart and really told how you feel. I think I like reading your diary because I can really relate to you. You are close to my age so it's easy for me to feel some of the things you're feeling too. It was a great read because I could easily relate to you. You've come a long way with your diary for not having it that long. I really liked it!

Content Score: 35/40

Layout: Wow, girl you sure do change your layout a lot! I love them though, they all have to do with the same theme...You love Zach. But it's great, you change the picture and the colors but you always have those great boxes to put everything in. I love the color purple, this one and the last one you had are my two favorties. The colors all go well together and it means something to you. You made it yourself and I really have to give you credit. You can tell you really put time into it and that you really like making them!! All the links and navigation is really nice and neat. Everything looks great. I like the box you made for a little bio about yourself. Very nice. You haven't had your diary very long but you have all your entries archived. Awesome job, I really love the layout!! Good work.

Layout Score: 20/20

Emotions: You use enough emotions. You talk about everything and you really show how you feel. That's pretty much all I can say.

Emotions Score: 16/20

Extras: Bio, playlist, favortie diaries, to do list, fans, profile, pictures, quiz, surveys, cast, reviews, and "more sites". Lots and Lots! Even a mini bio on the right hand side~

Extras Score: 12/10

Link: Yup! My favorite button~

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Book, notes, e-mail and guestmap!

Contact Score: 6/5

Total Score: 94/100 You can join the Sweet Gold Diary Ring!


Favourite Entry: This one. I agree with you on that too!


-Beat My Mom in an argument....

Ah somethings in life are impossible..."

I completley agree with you.

Comments: I liked reading your diary. I could really relate to everything you had to say and I thought you entries were really good. I love how you made your own layout and that you really enjoy doing it! Good luck with everything...Oh, and one thing...Big Yellow Taxi is by Joni Mitchell. The Counting Crows just re-did it. Just to let you know. hehe ; ) Good job with the review.

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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