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when you were mine

Content: Most of your entries were very short. I think you use your diary to just generally go over your day. The first entry I read, you talked about how you got another review that you didn't like. Your diary isn't very review-able because it's just about your day and the entries are short. This is's your diary after all...but don't expect everyone to be wowed by that. I'm not saying this to be mean, I think you have a good personal diary, but it's not a very interesting read for people who don't know you. Please learn to use the shift-key. Sometimes I found the occasional entry that was funny, you seem to have a fun sense of humor. (10/40)

Layout: Your layout is nice and very organized. I didn't like how the previous and next links were in the navigation drop-down menu. I suggest putting them in a more accessible place. I also was a little annoyed how I had to scroll way down the page to read your entries because the image at the top was kinda big.....but I can live with that. All i all a decent job. (15/20)

Emotions: There was the occasional entry with a little emotion in it but generally there wasn't much. That's ok for your diary though because your entries are general day to day thoughts and I understand why they aren't really emotional. Don't feel like you have to suddenly be really deep and stuff just because people think all diary's should be really emotional. Still, since this is the emotions section I have to grade accordingly.. (3/20)

Extras: A bunch (10/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works (5/5)

Contact: The diaryland stuff and much, much more.(6/5)

Total: (49/100)


Favorite Entry: I didn't really have one.

Favorite Quote:i figure i will start my own convent thats a non catholic one and then i can pick cool habits Hehehe, you had the occasional humorous entry.

Comments: I think your diary is very much just or you to recount the general happening of life. Don't feel down because your diary isn't particularly review-able, if it works for you continue with the good work. I liked the drop-down menus, they're good for getting rid of clutter.

Reviewed by: Nicola

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