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Flirting With Fire

Content: Your entries are very....interesting....This entry sort of caught me off guard. I would hate that feeling, I felt so bad after I read that. I couldn't have taken it. You are very good with words. I liked reading your entries. It made me a little bit concerned that your 13 year old sister is copying you and doing all the things you are doing about food. That can't be good. I got into most of your entries, they were very well written. You don't write always about everyday put a lot of feeling and emotions into what you write about. This was a very well written entry. I really, really liked it. We have some things in common and I think that's what made me love to read your diary. Not every single entry related to me or I got into but we both dance and reading some of your entries sort of reminded me of you. You didn't have hardly and spelling or grammar mistakes, everything is great there. So your diary was fun to read! I liked it.

Content Score: 35/40

Layout: Well, you made it yourself so I have to give you credit for that. The navigation is sort of messy...there are so many links. You could make an extras and put them all on there, that's what I ended up doing. The place of the prev and next sort of confused me sinse the entry isn't by it. When I click the "then" link the layout is different, not a lot but it is. That kind of confused me sinse the picture is in a different place and the links aren't the same color and they are a little bigger. I like this way better than your other way but it is still a good layout. You have all your entries archived (yay!) and I don't see any broken links. It all looks pretty good.

Layout Score: 15/20

Emotions: You do use emotions, not in every entry but you do have them. You don't have to work on emotions. You are good at expressing them and everything was good.

Emotions Score: 16/20

Extras: Bio, photos, rings, reviews, surveys, "my fans", and cast.

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: A working text link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: E-mail, Guestbook, notes, and AIM.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 88/100 You are eligible to join the Silver Ring.


Favourite Entry: Everyone is worth something. Wonderful entry.

Favourite Quote: "I tackled my baby brother and tickled him until we were both on the floor laughing. I tried on lipglosses with my little sisters. I sprawled across my old bed and talked with Anna wearing my old pj's with my head on the familiar worn pillow that has smothered so many sobs and caught so many tears.

All these little things. They feel so good, but they hurt so much. My life's motto is, "FREEDOM", emblazoned in fire over all my spontaneous doings. It is a crazy, wild life that I love..but this other life I miss, so much I miss."

Comments: You have a great diary. I loved reading it because some things I could relate to myself. You are a good designer and the layout is good. I liked reading your diary, I"ll probably be back!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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