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The Wanderings of a Sleep Deprived Mother

Content:You don't update every day, and you need to archive your entires. Nevertheless, the gaps didn't make your diary hard to follow. I love the humor in this entry. And this told me a lot about you. You have a great sense of humor in stuff many people would overlook.
The only thing that bored me was that several of your entries are short, and not relevant to your "life's story" so to speak. Either way, I still enjoyed your diary. (Not a perfect score, but bonus points for being the most interesting in a while.)

Content Score: 36/40

Layout: I think it's safe to assume you made this layout yourself. It's very simple, and for some people maybe too plain, but I love it! What I really want to know is if the picture is of Larry and Peyton. If it is, my heart melts at the thought. How sweet. If it's not, then you've got me fooled, because it goes perfect with your diary.

Layout Score: 22/20

Emotions:As a compliment to your life, you have a side-dish of emotion. You say what you mean "This makes me sick." and you write well so that I know how you feel about everything. you have a definate soft spot for children, and that shows through. The best part is that it's not the only emotion you have.

Emotions Score: 18/20

Extras: Quizzes, 100 things, 100 questions, poems, interviews, etc....

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: It works.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: E-mail, notes, &, guestbook.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 96/100


Comments:The highest score I have given so far. You'll be added to Sweet Reviews favorites, and you are welcome to join the Gold Ring.

Reviewed By:Amanda

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