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Cooking with Katie--now avaliable on your PC

Content: Your entries are longer (with the exception of some), which is hardly seen these days with everybody being so busy. Your entries are pretty boring, with the OCCASIONAL humor. I get bored EASILY with people who only write about what happened with their days with no thoughts on it, what they are thinking, how they feel, or go into depth on what in means. But you are quite different. You have a certain style in writing, which I like. Keep it up, but try to make your entries A LITTLE BIT more interesting for both male and female readers. But you still need to put more of the incidents in your day, or what made you put that entry there and for what reason (eg: to scold, curse, bless a certain person?) In a nutshell, your diary is good but needs improvement in some ways. 28/40

Layout: The huge picture of the anime (Japanese animation) girl there scared me. Serious. I was waiting for your diary to load then she appeared, looking flirty. It badly hurt my eyes when I was trying to read your entries and an outstanding pink image just beside the layout was distracting me! Your entries are already hard to read with dark grey text and a black background, please improve. Try to stick to one particular font or make the text a lighter color. The layout also couldn��t fit my screen. It is far too large. I was reading a certain entry with the sentence cut off by the scrollbar. I scrolled right to read the remaining four or five words and had to scroll back again. Very laborious for me and other readers. The drop-down menus, which were above the picture, were simple yet effective though. 10/20

Emotions: An interesting blend of emotions here and there. Good try. 13/20

Extras: profile, 100�Kish things, guilty pleasures, playlist, quizzes, wish-list, links. Wow. 8/10

Link: Yep�Kit��s there, under ��pending�� of the reviews section 5/5

Contact: Notes, Email, AIM. No guestbook? 3/5

Total: 64/100


Favorite Entry: Damn you, Double Dog!

Favorite Quote: Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.

Comments: Work on your diary. You can ask for a re-review if you want :)

Reviewed by: Michael

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