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the hermit's shell

Content: This entry had it's ups and downs, but after reading it, I think it ended on the up side. Most of your diary is like that, I'm not sure if that's such a bad thing...yet.
I just about died reading this entry because it reminds me of my old art teacher, who actually believed taste had nothing to do with art. Your entries got a bit boring as I went, which isn't what bugged me. I just feel like I don't know much about you beyond you taste in music. You also need to archieve each month. If you need help with that, please e-mail me.

Content Score: 31/40

Layout:Simple. Plain. White. Well. It works for what you've got going. I'd like to see a little more life in it, but it's functional, and not gawdy. Can't hate that.

Layout Score: 15/20

Emotions: Weeeeee!. Yes. You've got 'um. At some points you don't use them enough, or in the right way. Most of the time you have enough of a handle on them to let them shine through. (Is that too vague?)

Emotions Score: 17/20

Extras: Self-design, and then nothing....

Extras Score: 2/10

Link: Oh. *tear* it is nowhere to be found.

Link Score: 0/5

Contact: Notes & e-mail.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 70/100


Favorite Quote: "Wisdom explained sounds like foolishness." Yeah. Tell that to my history class.

Comments:You could have rocked my world if you only had the link, and some extras. Nothing to complex, maybe a bio, and some rings etc....
Put that stuff up, and I'd love to re-review you.

Reviewed By:Amanda

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