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Content: Writing about your day too much is pretty boring. Try including some more personality in your entries. My attention span for your diary was really very short, except for a few entries. I like the photos you post though. 22/40

Layout: A borrowed layout, however, it was linked back to its designer. The yellow is not eye-straining so its ok, but I didn�t like sushi staring at me as I was reading your diary. What has sushi got to do with cherkitty? Some pictorial links in your links section aren�t showing up properly. The link and test color is dark enough for the light colored background. Improve on this section and your diary would be better. 11/20

Emotions: It wasn�t that fun to read. The emotions were generally basics. 11/20

Extras: rings, links, reviews. 3/10

Link: yep� 5/5

Contact: notes, email, book. 3/5

Total: 55/100


Favorite Entry: �Puppies�

Favorite Quote: My Momma�s dog had puppies!

Comments: Generally a good diary just that it needs some improvement.

Reviewed by: Michael

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