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*~Late Night Typing~*

Content: Hey this is nice! The way you wrote had not much of an emotion factor to drag me into your feelings, but you wrote just like your age. There werent much errors that I could find, and that's great!! (33/40)

Layout: Someone, maybe. It's a very nice picture up there, and your layout is very cute and organised. Sweet sweet sweet!! For once I'm giving someone's layout a full 20, woah! Congratulate yourself! (20/20)

Emotions: You wrote well, but as I said, not well enough to drag me deep into your writing with your emotions and feelings.. (12/20)

Extras: Just a cast page. (2/10)

Link: Where's our link? It must be somewhere around since Manda didnt state that there wasnt any link, but where is it? Please contact us again and tell us where it is. (0/5)

Contact: Notes, AIM and Guestbook. Good enough for me. (5/5)

Total: (72/100)


Favorite Entry: This entry with the poem was pretty good! It was very meaningful. I'm putting it on my diary too, but I've linked you. I hope that's okay?

Favorite Quote: 'Illusion is the first of all pleasures'. It's a very nice quote.

Comments: It's all right to like teen music although you're practically an adult already. And hey, Hilary Duff isnt bad at all, in fact, she rocks! And I'll be coming back once in a while to check out your quotes/poems!

Reviewer: Jewelx

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