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Anit Avril

Content: Your poems were the very first thing I read. I absolutly love them. You are an awesome poet. The poems were about everything from love to depression. My favortie poem was "You're Perfect" It was very touching. You seem like a very nice guy.

The first entrys I read of yours were sort of....annoying. The writing you used just annoyed me like "muh" and instead of "my" and things like that. This is a very funny entry. The reasons you hate Avril. I agree with you on most of them. You are close to my age and you seem pretty cool. On that entry though, all the links at the bottom were screwed up. Oh well.

You seem so funny. I know how you feel about dumbasses, some people are just so stupid. But anyway I love your poems, some of your entrys were so funny, but some I just couldn't get into. Your poems are great though. Keep up the good work (35/40)

Layout: Oh My Lord. This layout is great, it's so funny. The picture cracks me up!! I'm guessing you made it yourself, which is awesome!! That picture just still cracks me up. And GC is a whole lot better than Avril I have to admitt. One thing I like is how the mouse isn't the regualar arrow it's a different one, and then even different when you click a link. Yes, I do love this layout.

Lots of props to you! (20/20)

Emotions: In your poems you show great emotion, and lots of it. You don't really in your entrys, but I'll give you credits for you poems! (15/20)

Extras: AIM, pictures, Imood (3/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works. You might want to make a reviews page and put the links to different reveiw sites on there and then just link that. It's just a thought though (5/5)

Contact: AIM, Guestbook, Notes, Mail (6/5)

Total: (84/100)


Favorite Entry: I had two favorite entrys this one and this one.

Favorite Quote: "3) She sounds like a nasal version of Alanis Morisette crossed with a rat, and I like Alanis. But Avril is trying too hard to sound like her with her "Crying out loud, I'm crying out lou-iy-oud" crap." I think you feel very strongly about hating her...

Comments: The layout is funny and your poems are awesome. You seem really cool. You have a great talent for writing poems. Your entrys are sometimes as funny as hell. I'll come back to see what else you've written! Good Job!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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