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Is there anybody out there?

Content: I love your writing. Your use of words got me hooked on every entry!! The first entry about the dreams was awesome. I love how you wrote about how you think that maybe it's from writing on Diaryland so much. Your writing is hilarious!! The one about your 8th grade class, was so funny. Your Me page was very informative. I loved it. If I don't stop myself now this whole thing will be filled with links to the entrys I loved. You are an awesome writer and you show your "voice" very well. I loved reading a diary like yours because you kept me, the reader, very interested the whole time!! Diarys like this just make me love being a reviewer. Keep writing....don't ever stop.

Your Me page was very informative. (45/40)

Layout: I'm guessing this layout was made by you, there is no link telling I'm just going with it that you made if yourself.

The layout is OK. The font doesn't match the links font and there is so much going on. You have your banner and you have some stuff down at the bottom. It doesn't really flow. You might want to change your font on the entrys part of the links font. Either one I think would make the layout overall just look better. I just don't really like it. I'm sorry.

One other thing is that it takes forever to load to a new screen, it might just be my computer. But, that doesn't have anything to do with the layout itself. Just something annoying... (10/20)

Emotions: Yes, you are a guy that shows emotion. You show emotion in humor and just by the way you write about something!! I absoultly love it. (18/20)

Extras: Lots (13/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works. (5/5)

Contact: Tons of ways! (6/5)

Total: (97/100)


Favorite Entry: I think this was one of my many favorites. Including all the ones in the "Content" part!

Favorite Quote: "You really do become more worldly in your old age. Something about crystallized intelligence versus fluid intelligence... "

Comments: Even if I didn't like your layout so much, your writing made up for it. You are a great writer. Just the way you write makes me smile! It keeps me going like a great book. Keep it up. As Leslie Irene would have found your writers "voice". Don't ever loose it. I'll be back to see what else you have instore for me to read!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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