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....just breathe....

Content: I don't really like what you write about. You write about day to day experiences but you just write them about you and your friend. You don't tell how you feel much in the current entry you have. You make a lot of jokes and tell how you don't get how you are acting so crazy! On this entry you make a joke to your friend! Diarys really aren't suppossed to make shout out to your friends. Take something that you really feel strongly about and write about it. I just really couldn't get into your writing.

Now this is more of what I want to read. I got into how you felt and you used your words very nicely. I couldn't find a "Bio" page to tell how old you are or what grade you are in. You might want to check that out. (20/40)

Layout: I really really like this layout. The picture of Drew Berrymoore is gorgeous and I love the saying. One thing I can't stand about it though is the font and the color. I don't mind the color as much as the font, it just gets really hard to read. I don't like how little the font is and what style it is in. It gets really hard to read sometimes. But other than that...I love it. One thing I would do though, is make a "reviews" page and put our button there. So it doesn't make the layout look so weird. (15/20)

Emotions: Like I said before, you dont' write with too much emotion. You just tell what happened in your day. You don't tell if something made you really pissed off or really happy!! It just kinda stays level, not very interesting to read. (10/20)

Extras: Lots (13/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works. (5/5)

Contact: You have loads of ways to contact you, I'm not listing them all. ;0) (6/5)

Total: (69/100)


Favorite Entry: n/a

Favorite Quote: "It stopped raining...but it still feels...wrong..."

Comments: Some of your entrys were really awesome to read. They weren't my favorites but they were good. You just seem to write for other people and just write to write. You need to write for you!! Not care what other people say about your writing or anything like that. Try writing about Shane's death and that will get a lot of emotion out and I bet it will help too. You have tons of potential in this diary, you just have to use it.

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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