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''pardon me momentarily while i slip into something more comfortable, like, say, a coma''.

Content: I found most of your entries interesting to read and found myself agreeing with you on some points or at least being interested by your opinions. You write basically well, but this was covered up by the typos, slang, and bad punctuation...I feel like I've been saying this a lot lately in my reviews, but if you proofread your entries quickly before sending and cut out some of the slang, your diary would be so much better. I think it's cool that you're really into art, it sounds like you use it to get your ideas across. I enjoyed reading about some of your projects and liked your enthusiasm when you wrote about them. I found it a little off-putting that you were so depressed a lot of time, because it made your diary boring at times to read. You did mention a couple times that you're not always depressed, it's just that you use your diary to vent, which I can understand. However, I still began to wonder if you ever feel anything but sorry for yourself. I liked how you took general things that happened in your day and then elaborated on them to explain your ideas and opinions. Overall your diary was interesting to read, though some entries were a little dull. (30/40)

Layout: I've seen this layout a lot, but in purple. It's a little annoying to look at because it's so full of stuff and took me a while to work out where everything was. The organization was definitely an issue, I suggest making it look a little less cluttered. Also, I don't think this layout really suits you or your writing at all. I think a more dynamic, original layout would go much better with your writing and ideas. Everything seemed to work on your layout, except I didn't like how some of your older entries used the weblog style, it was annoying to scroll through them. When I clicked on the main scroll bar the track color turned a weird orange color which didn't go with your diary at all. Change the font on your archives page to all the same thing, though I liked how it looked and the unique titles on the different months. If you really like this layout, go ahead and keep is your diary after all, but I think you could find one more you. (11/20)

Emotions: You show a lot of emotion, but is most often depressing or angry. These are not the only emotions, although you do convey them well. Again, the typos, slang, and punctuation really took away from the seriousness of your emotions. Just by fixing those things, you would explain your feelings much better. (12/20)

Extras: Lots (13/10)

Link: Yup, it's there and it works. However, you didn't originally have it up and it's only on your very very recent entries so I'm taking just 1 point off. (4/5)

Contact: You have loads of ways to contact you, I'm not listing them all. ;0) (6/5)

Total: (76/100)


Favorite Entry: I liked this entry where you posted the lyrics from a Nightmare Before Christmas song. I usually don't like lyrics in diary entries, but I like that movie =0P

Favorite Quote:I have begun to finally hate shopping centers and all inwhich they stand for. Their just there to eat your cash, a haven for advertising and consumerism. I've felt that way before.

Comments: I found parts of your diary interesting, but found it hard to read because of the layout and punctuation, etc. I found your bio interesting and think your interest in art is cool.

Reviewed by: Nicola

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