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who loves the breeder??

Content: I read the current and March 2003 entries. You used some harsh, strong language but it wasn't bad -- I could understand your frustration and your need to stay as you are. I think a lot of us probably feel this way. About your husband saying he doesn't love you anymore-- that's horrible. You should go into depth on why he felt the need to say that-- what provoked that comment. I thought you could use a catchier answer to the question "Who loves the breeder??" because you have such a dynamic personality from what I've read; use it to your advantage. Tell the world in that answer that you don't give a damn if they don't like you because you're happy with who you are. 25/40

Layout: The design was by pixelscripts and bitch-n-moan. I liked the purple, white and pink on the light purple background. At first the ---- seemed a little too much, but when I realized it was on there at a consistent style, it made it better. There are a lot of ~~~ around your site; it's interesting and a nice touch. I did like it better when the diary part was bigger and the About Breeder, etc parts were to the side. In that layout by pixelscripts it also had the last few entries on it and that was really nice. I didn't like having to push the back button each time to read next entries on the other layout. It was clean and uncluttered though it didn't really show your personality. Still, I liked how the colors went together. 14/20

Emotions: You weren't big on emotions except by ranting. You mostly just told us about something that happened during the day. It's good to learn about what people are up to each entry, but it's also important to really expand on it a little more and try to get your feelings across. I understand if that's not what you want your diary to be used for though. 5/20

Extras: You had plenty of extras. I loved all the quizzes and enjoyed taking some of them. It shows more of your character and your softer side, I think. It's good you are aware that some of the pictures aren't working; take them off as soon as possible. You also belonged to many rings, have had a few reviews, 100 things about you, etc. 10/10

Link: The site was linked. =) 5/5

Contact: Guestbook, email, notes. 5/5

Total: 64/100

Favorite Entry: an ickle poem for ya Miss Even though this poem wasn't written by you, I guess it showed something of what you liked and I also thought Hang In there Mama beceause it showed your love and more emotional side.

Favorite Quote: I don't have one.

Comments: It's not a bad diary, but the score was a little low because you didn't get in tune to your emotions or very in depth in your entries and we place a lot of emphasis on emotions and content. It's okay if you feel you want to keep doing it like you've been doing though. I totally agree that it is your diary, and you may do what you like with it. =)

Reviewed By: Kathy

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