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Content: I love your writing style. You have a great way of describing anything from beetles to pictures to jeans. By the way where did you get those sexy tight fitting jeans? LoL. As I read more, I only got more impressed with your writing. You�re so detailed and I love you use of adjectives. You don�t use them too much, but they are perfectly the right ones when you use more than one in a sentence. You relate to everyone. You�re amazing! I love the titles too. They�re unique but really do tell something about your entry. I liked how you used dialogue well. It totally cracked me up! Though your entries were long, you made me want to read them and savor every single word. You have done what every writer yearns to do. You entries were like a continuous contemporary chic novel that we love to read. 40/40.

Layout: Design and pictures by poodesigns Lots of purple but it was nice. I liked the grid design on top and the different pictures of grapes. I love how the mouse turns into a cross when about to click on a link. It�s simple and cool. It was also very well organized-- all I had to do to read the next entry was click on �next�. It was really easy to navigate through the entire site. 19/20.

Emotions: You�re pretty in tune with how you feel inside and you make it known. I found you expressed it in a poetic kind of way too which is an added bonus. The emotions you went through were not just limited to your feelings; you expressed what all of us want to say and you do it well. 19/20.

Extras: Friday Five was a pretty good idea. I never thought of that. Also had blog, website, portfolio, cast list-- which I thought was an ingenious idea!--, bio page. 10/10.

Link: It worked fine. 5/5.

Contact: Email but I wasn�t sure about the guest book. I clicked on something that looked like it would be it, but the link took me to what seemed to be someone else�s guest book. 4/5.

Total: 97/100


Favorite Entry: It�s hard to pick just one because I really liked all of them!

Favorite Quote: There were soOo many! Here�s one: �With every woeful look in the mirror, or glance at the scale, a woman's self-confidence ticks away. It gets disgusting how we as women are slaves to society, always vying for but never reaching the highest standard. That standard is a very sought-after product called perfection.� and another passage: �There�s an inner delight about finally going back to school, and certain reverence about going back to school for yourself. For me, education isn�t something that I have to do�I chose to be a homemaker and an author for MC, and with marriage on the horizon, I certainly don�t mind playing the part of a stay-at-home/work-at-home wife. Education is something I want to do. It�s been a little thorn in my side for this past year. I kept getting a nagging voice inside my head that said, Go back to school�get your grades up�get your Associates� and finally I succumbed. Believe me, it was a wonderful decision to make�it�s a whole new level of confidence and pride that I haven't felt in a long time.�

Comments: You did an awesome job! I cannot say enough good things about your diary. The only reason I gave you one less than perfect for Content was because there�s always room for improvement. Never mind, I'll give you a perfect score. You deserve it! Congratulations on almost being a published author (by now, maybe you are one already)!!! It is my dream to be one someday as well. Keep up the excellent work.

Reviewed by: Kathy

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