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My Die-ary

Content: Your diary, as well as your poetry, is wonderfully written. You have a knack of describing things in detail. Several entries you had were nothing but emotion, which is a key factor in keeping readers concentrated and addicted. You are one of few who dare to admit their wrong-doings and I would appreciate that deeply if I were Yelena. You write about her a lot and I could tell you care a lot about her. I share your love for song and lyrics, although I did not know the bands you mentioned. Your diary also keeps me wanting to come back to see how you and Yelena are doing. Keep up the good work, and might I also add you have great grammar, spelling and punctuation? 30/40 (This is the highest I have given so far)

Layout: Although your layout was dark and a little hard to read, I loved it. The design goes very well with your username too. The links are neatly placed at the right hand side in a box and hence are easily accessible. Although the tones of the colors were not well balanced, they gave off a dark and gloomy feeling, which I liked. The layout shows your uniqueness and it�s the only one in the world. I also like the thought that it was made by Yelena, the one you love. (Maybe she could also do one for my diary?) 16/20

Emotions: Definitely lots of it in your diary, although mostly romance and love. Nothing more to say. 13/20

Extras: Bio, pictures, lyrics, link to Yelena�s design site, Reviews and Rings. 6/10

Link: Yep. 5/5

Contact: Guestbook, Notes, Email, AIM. 4/5

Total: 74/100


Favorite Entry: What the fuck is wrong with me?

Favorite Quote: Telephone companies suck. And I have bad grammar. But that doesnt mean that phone companies shouldnt suck

Comments: I enjoyed looking at your layout and like it a lot. Maybe Yelena could also make me one that looks similar? Please ask her for me. Thanks in advance! Please do not forget to thank me for reviewing your diary in my guestbook. Many people do not have that basic courtesy anymore.

Reviewed by: Michael

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