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runaround sue


You write really well. Your entries are written in such a way that interests your reader and this is really good. Your entries vary from boys, to friendship to things about the world to everyday life things. Your diary is never boring, and in fact, rather amusing at times.

I especially enjoyed entries that had to do with the world, because you not only write for yourself, but for your reader; you not only write about everyday matters that get boring after a while, but you relate everyday things to those of the world�s, and this was really interesting.

This intrigued me, and this entry interested me a good deal. It set me thinking and it was really interesting.

Content Score: 33/40

Layout: It�s nice in it�s simplicity, but there is nothing outstanding about this layout. It has a certain style in it, but it is very plain. What I like about this layout is that it doesn�t draw too much attention away from your diary. The layout concentrates on your diary, and that�s a good thing. However, you can make it a little more interesting. Maybe you can add a frame, or improve on the navigation.

Layout Score: 10/20

Emotions: You write with emotions, using short, precise sentences, and I like that. This entry was particularly expressive. You aren�t very emotional, but you write about what you feel, which captured my attention in a great way. Those short, precise sentences have a way of capturing readers, but you couldn�t make me feel as you did. You express your emotions, but in a way that, perhaps, I couldn�t really relate to you.

Emotions Score: 11/20

Extras: Links, profile, to do list, and the word of the day.

Extras Score: 8/10

Links: It�s there.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Notes. How about getting a guestbook? Email?

Contact Score: 1/5

Total Score: 68/100


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite, I totally agree with you, and the descriptions were so delicate.

Favourite Quote: Teddy bears don't lie.

Comments: You can improve your diary greatly. With your writing that is already so interesting, by adding more contacts, which will of course, improve your score, improve on the layout to make it more outstanding, you can attract a great amount of readers to your diary.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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