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Old Review


Here, you'll find...

Content: I still love your content. You are almost in college so you used good spelling and puncuation. You used good words to describe everything and you are still an avid Christian. Your entries had so much to them that I really enjoyed reading all of them. You talked about your precious lawn and who will milk the cows when you're gone...even though you have no cows. You put so many different levels in your writing. I really enjoyed reading it. God really is amazing. You can tell that you truly love him and truly want to love him from your entries. I'm getting that way and I look up to you as an older Christian to be more like that. It's really helped me see how great God is and you can really do it. I loved reading everything you had to say about God and your life. Everything was really interesting and your writing was good. = )

Content Score: 40/40

Layout: When I first saw this layout I liked it. It was all good except that Diaryland button, it looks sort of weird with all the black and the white colors. It's self made, I'm pretty sure. Everything is really neat except for the link to Diaryland. It's off for some reason and the current entry button is in a weird spot to me. I would try and put it with the navigation if you could but it all looks fine except for those two things. You have all your older entries archived. It's really cleaned up sinse the last layout, nice job!

Layout Score: 16/20

Emotions: Yes, you used emotions when you were talking about lots of things. You used enough emotion, so you didn't over use it but there was still quite a bit there.

Emotions Score: 18/20

Extras: "Links", which you have lots of. Cast and Rings. You have a bio in the cast page and I love it that you put God in there. You are such a devoted Christian.

Extras Score: 5/10

Links: Yup, it's there.

Links Score: 5/5

Contact: Guestbook and Notes. On your profile you have your e-mail, AIM, and Yahoo screen name.

Contact Score: 6/5

Total Score: 90/100 You can join the Sweet Platinum Ring!


Favourite Entry: This really caught me.

Favourite Quote: "past... An entire youthhood of life lessons, many friends, puberty, 18 years, birth, high school, salvation, music, some other stuff. It's been successful for the most part. today..."

I read: 26 entries.

Comments: Your diary was lots better from the time I reviewed it before. The layout looks better but the content is still great. I loved reading everything in your diary. From your frog in your front yard to God. I hope college goes well and you have fun! Keep up with your diary, thanks for sharing your life with everyone!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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