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CONTENT: I love the way you write! You have the ability to take normal, everyday events, and make them interesting. You manage to hold the reader's interest, which is not easy to do! Good job, there! I enjoyed this entry! Ahhh...why can't I find someone that sweet!? O.k., this isn't about me! Onward! I totally cracked up over this entry! That was so funny! Who thought of that!? I would be "Irene Chestnut" Ummm... how appealing. blach! Overall, your entries were just great, and I enjoyed them because of their diversity and your humor!

Content Score: 40/40

LAYOUT: This was one of the things I loved most about your diary. This layout, done by Tastic Design is so colorful and retro-feeling. It was clean, neat, and the font was just right. I had no trouble with the navigation whatsoever. Well done.

Layout Score: 20/20

EMOTIONS: You did come through with emotion, but not as much as you could have. I realize this is not a docu-drama. In this entry, I thought your feelings came out very well.

Emotions Score: 17/20

EXTRAS: Hmmm...I really couln't find any extras. Maybe add a bio, a cast of characters, or something of the like.

Extras Score: 5/10

LINK: Yep! I found it in your profile!

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Yep! You are "contactable"!

Contact Score" 5/5



Favorite Entry: I believe that I liked this entry best! I laughed so hard! It's like Tim Taylor wanting everything to be bigger, better, and faster!

Favorite Quote: "I think it's giving him playground envy, although I can't see why when Neighbor does little but proclaim the difficulties. That's him all over, though -- he overadmires the difficult, with results that usually only annoy me rather than impress me (which I think is the effect he is going for)."

Comments: It was a pleasure to read your diary! Keep up the wonderful work!

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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