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Life in Leonoreland

CONTENT: I see that you are relatatively new on Diaryland, but you have many entries. That's wonderful. It shows that you love writing. Your enthusiasm is wonderful, and I always appreciate reading entries when it's clear that the writer loves what they do! I was able to learn that you're into music, much like I was at your age. I wish I was your age again sometimes. You speak a lot about school and your friends, and I like your interesting/random facts. I think that you could write with more depth and substance. You definately have the talent and intelligence to do so. I am more than happy to help you out with this, and I can always email you some of my favorite links and diaries to illustrate what I'm telling you. I don't like to tell someone "you need to do this... or that..", and then leave them on their own to figure it out. Now, you don't have to change a thing about your entries if you don't want to; it's your diary! I'm just giving you this tip because if you get reviewed somewhere else, they will be looking for the same thing. :)

Content Score: 20/40

LAYOUT: Oh dear..dang. I can't give you anything in this area because you are using a standard DiaryLand template. There are some sites where you can get gorgeous layouts for free. You are so upbeat and postive, as well as a seemingly sweet person, you deserve a layout that expresses more of who your are!


EMOTIONS: Now, here is an area in which you did much better. Nice job, here! I really enjoyed the way you conveyed you youthful enthusiam. It's so refreshing. You seem to have a real love for life.

Emotions Score: 15/20

EXTRAS: The link I tried -"Randomize" took me to the DiaryLand error page. "Datapad" is a diary ring, and besides that, I really didn't see any extras. You may want to add and actual page for extras and include things like surveys, quizzes, reviews, diary rings, special links- anything that spices up your diary a bit.

Extras Score: 1/10

LINK: Yep! Link was there, and it works fine!

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Guestbook and notes.

Contact Score: 5/5


Please get re-reviewed if and when you decide to make some changes. I think your diary could be top-notch if you spice it up a bit. I feel awful that I couldn't give you a better score. I am more than willing to work with you; email me if you would like that. You have loads of potential, and it deserves to be displayed :) Also, I think it's great you play oboe because if you're good, you'll be in demand in the music world- unlike the flute! Email me if you would like assistance with anything! :)

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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