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CONTENT: You put a lot of thought and heart into your entries. Whether it's writing about the loss of your father, or just posting a random, survey-type entry, you seem to take joy in what you do. I like that! You are also very candid in some of your entries..."blush"! here I really envied you! What a wonderful thing to have your child give you your first Mother's Day gift! Ahhhh! You are also very much a Christian. I really loved this entry because it was powerful, yet not overwhelming, and you were able to pull the reader in, and make me feel a part of your life at that moment. Nice work. I think that in time, you're going to grow, and have even more to say; you're just beginning to find your writer's "voice". Wonderful beginning. I really think that you have so much more to say; I feel as if you hold back sometimes. You have a talent! Use it to its potential!

Content Score: 30/40

LAYOUT: I think this is the perfect layout for you because as a newly-saved Christian, everything must feel new to you. This layout illustrates that very well. The colors are vibrant- full of life. The flower reminds me of the Iris that blooms in Spring, when everything is new again. The navigation was very clean, neat, and organized! Design Credit: This, That & Whatever Designs

Layout Score: 22/20

EMOTIONS I really thought you did a nice job at conveying your feelings about God, about your childhood, your father, your family, and the fact that you were Saved. It's very difficult not to be emotional when writing about our relationship and experiences with Christ. I was impressed with this entry. I very much liked that.

Emotions Score: 20/20

EXTRAS You have lots and lots of extras! This just further adds interest to an already wonderful diary! Good job!

Extras Score: 12/10

LINK: Yes, our cute little "Sweet Reviews" button is there, and it takes me to our site!

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Guestbook, email, are "contactable" :)!

Contact Score: 5/5



Favorite Entry: I believe that this was my favorite because you really were passionate about God, and you were so completely into what you were writing. I like that kind of ferver!

Favorite Quote: "today rocked my ass clean off" For some reason, that cracked me up!

Comments Overall, you have a very nice diary. I think you could write more in-depth, and that will come as you write more and more, and as God touches your heart! It was a pleasure to read your work.

Reviewed by: Leslie Irene

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