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I'm "Aiken" for Clay

CONTENT: You are hilarious! Just the way you put words like the way you said guys were teases! It was just great. Other than that I really couldn't get into what you were saying. You cuss a lot, which isn't bad. But you never tell how you feel about it, you just seem to talk about say a cuss word here and there and move on with it. You jump topics from thing to thing in one day. There are like 6 different things on one entry. I like them all right and I have to admitt they were pretty dang funny. Just try to write more with your emotions and really feel what you are saying. It helps and that's what diarys are for right??

Content Score: 25/40

LAYOUT: One word....YELLOW! Yellow and black, reminds me of a bumblebee. It's not a bad layout, very well made by Lis Designs!!

I must say, Clay does have an awesome voice but he can be kind of annoying sometime. I just don't really like this layout, but it appears to me that you LOVE Clay, so I'll give you credit for that. I read that you wanted to find a new layout, try going to Beautify they have tons of layout sites you can pick from!! Just give it a look

Layout Score: 18/20

EMOTIONS Like I said, not much emotion. You cuss a lot, if you call that emotion. Try to just spill your deepest feelings into this. If you are going to write to your full potential there is no point. You need to write what you feel and what you feel is important. Tell everything in a diary, if you don't want people to read it. Lock it. But I'm just saying, try not to skim it. Go deep deep down...and you'll find it.

In some of your entrys you start to do that but then it just ends. There is never really a closer. I have to give you some credit though!

Emotions Score: 15/20

EXTRAS A whole whole bunch of them! Heck you even have an "American Idol" link!! You must be obsessed...

Extras Score: 15/10

LINK: Yup! A text link under "reviews"!

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Guestbook, email, notes...I could stalk you if I wanted. *Kidding* I Would never do that...

Contact Score: 5/5



Favorite Entry: I was CRACKING up when I read this! You really are funny

Favorite Quote: "shit son!" You said that in a lot of your entrys and it just cracked me up for some reason!!!

Comments: On the whole, I think your diary is very good. I would try and get a new layout, like you said you wanted to. Just try to really get into your feelings. That's what diarys are for. So use it for it!! Everyone has a great potential to be a great writer, you have just got to find it. I'll be sure to come back and see what you've written and if you've taken some of my advice! Good luck!!

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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