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lost flower

the writing on the wall

Content: Wow, I love your diary. Your writing is just amazing! You put your words so well together that it leaves me haing onto every sentence! The two latest entrys you have are breathe taking almost. You write so well!! I just love it. Your words are not pathetic and ugly. Never think that. Your words are beautiful! You seem so sad in most of your entrys. Like you aren't happy with anything.

You think you can't write and your words mean nothing!! That is not true. You have found your voice and I love your writing, but you just don't realize it. You have an awesome talent to show exactly how you feel about something!! That's a great thing. I love your writing. I think I've read every entry in May and most in April. I couldn't stop at just a few...

Content Score: 45/40

LAYOUT: Your layout is just as good as your writing. I have seen this one before, but never on a diary. It's orginal and very awesome. The links and everything go really nicely. I guess I can say that your layout goes with your writing. Words on a wall. It's just very pretty, a well made layout from Vanished Designs!! I love those girls. They are awesome, but anyway. This is an awesome layout. You just keep everything far, I love this diary!

Layout Score: 20/20

EMOTIONS Emotions must be your middle name. You tell how you feel about things so easily that it seems like breathing to you. You write with so much emotion I can tell you excatly what you felt. That is a great writer there. You say you can't write at all and then me coming and reading your diary out of the blue and eating up every word like it's chocolate. It's just awesome

Emotions Score: 20/20

EXTRAS You have lots!

Extras Score: 8/10

LINK: Yup! A text link under "reviews"!

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Enough ways that I know I can get ahold of you!

Contact Score: 5/5

TOTAL SCORE: 103/100


Favorite Entry: All of you entrys caught me, but I really really liked this one.

Favorite Quote: "i've come to realize that two people can look at the same exact thing and see something completely different. i realize that every time we spoke, to you it was just a conversation but to me it was another chance to be mesmerized by each & every word you spoke and fall deeper in love with you. i fed off your words, i survived off of them. i realize that every time you said "i love you" it was only a response but each time i said "i love you more than life itself," i meant it. & i realize that when you did say "i love you" i automatically turned it into "im in love with you," which i sadly accept as never being true. why did you drag my heart around for three long years? & i lie to you all & myself when i say "i'm over it." there were so many things that went left unsaid & there was so much more i wish you would have felt. i miss you despite the fact that i know you are thoroughly enjoying your new single life."

Now, that was more than a quote.....but it just really caught me...I loved it.

Comments: Your diary, wow. I love being a reviewer for this reason. It takes a while to find great diarys like this one and when you do, it's worth it. I know that all your writing is probably just to get your feelings out or show how pissed off you are at something or how sad you are. Your writing is beautiful. The way you write keeps me wanting to read and wanting to find out more. You have found your writers voice even if you think that your entrys are nothing. Someone told me that they feel like they shouldn't write anymore just because they don't feel like it's worth it. You have a great diary here. I will be back very soon! You are now on my buddy list!! Great job

Reviewed by: Lyndsey

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