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Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood!

Content: Your entries are very bland and weak. They all revolve around your daily activities and that wasn't interesting at all. Though most of them are a pretty good length, try talking about how you feel about depth! Not what you did today and how it ws soo totally boring. Also, DoNt TaLk LiKe ThIs! Holy cow! That's not attractive to the eye at all! *sigh* (15/40)

Layout: Well I can't say I know who the Prince of Mirkwood is at all. I guess it's a LOTR thing. It's a very unorganized layout, which navgation down the left side, in that FoNt LiKe ThIs! No no no! Try cleaning your layout up a bit. Maybe making seperate pages for your tag-board. Credit goeshere All in all...not a very attractive layout..sorry :( (5/20)

Emotions: One word...None. You should really pour your heart out to your diary. I know it's your diary, but why post it online if you don't want people to read it and be interested? Don't do so many day logs! Try exploring new about how you feel about school...for example. You're just really lacking the understanding of what a diary is actually for. (0/20)

Extras: A couple, in those annoying upper-lower case lettering. (4/5)

Link?: Yes, and working just fine. (5/5)

Contact: I could stalk you (5/5)

Total: (34/100) *sigh*


Favorite Entry: No favorite...they were basically all the same

Favorite Quote:Nope :(

Comments: You should really put more heart into your diary...what else is it there for?

Reviewed by: Heather

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