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Your grammar and punctuation is really well used. You capitalize your "I"s and you put all your commas and stuff in. It�s all very easy to read.

You have many skips, but you also have many multiples. You would miss three days� but a when you update; you make it all worth it with an extremely interesting update.

I love how you can say whatever you want to in your diary. You can express yourself and be as creative as you want, and you don�t care what anyone thinks about it.

Entry after entry, I read on and on. You write with so much passion. It really pulls the reader in, especially me. (45/40)

Layout:Spunky yet creative. The design really matches who you are for some reason. With all your stories about you and Glenn, it all fits. It�s a very fastidious, self-designed layout. (20/20}

Emotions: This was really an emotional entry. It shows anger and sadness, and I was really shocked when I read it. You definitely show emotions because you have many entries like these. (22/20)

Extras: Cast, photos, 101 things� and many more (10/10)

Link: It�s there. (5/5)

Contact:Book, e-mail, notes� try adding Screen name or something. (3/5)

Total: (105/100)


Favorite Entry: I know what you mean in this entry. As a reviewer, I know how it�s like to read a person�s diary with horrible grammar. It�s like they have a weird keyboard where all the letters are reoriented.

Favorite Quote: �People need to learn that this is the internet and not real life.� So true. I don�t know why people tryt o start �drama� on the internet. It�s not real! People only start trouble on the internet because they either have a boring life and need some action in their life� or they are too much of a coward to say it to people in person.

Comments: You write kick-ass entries. I love reading them. They are all so interesting and funny. Keep up the good work!

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Reviewed by:: Thi

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