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Everything I know about heartbreak I learned from you

Content: Well your first entry is a pretty darn good introduction to yourself. It tells a lot about you. Must've taken some time to create that. The first few entries are talking about your friends, parents, etc. It's cool how you have pictures of some of them. This explains why you locked your diary. You have strong emotions about it and it's good to know about. Anyway since I'm reviewing your new diary and not the older one, I will stay where I am. You get angry a lot and express that well. For a good image host, I second the recommendation to Village Photos so use that one! Anyway it seems that you complain quite a bit too. I like the font, color and SIZE of this entry. It looked so much better than previous ones and easier to read. You have pretty good writing, I like it better when you're not too pissed off. It makes it calmer to read. But wow, I really didn't like what you said about suicide. (30/40).

Layout: I think this is a self-made layout, unless the place that the "thanks" link goes (diary's locked though) is the designer. Okay, then the designer is moshixmoshi so that's why there's a thanks link back to that person. Anyway, it's a design I haven't seen before so that's cool. I don't know who the people are but the background picture used is nice. It has a greenish tinge and I like the snow... The quote in white is interesting. I don't know what to make of it though. The links are alternating lightish green then darker on a drop down menu that has a "go" button next to it which is good. When I went to your archive page, everything was crossed out-- dates and dates. That was weird. And even on entries, they're like that. Also scrolling text at bottom of entries got annoying, as did the moving text of lyrics or whatever on computer. (14/20).

Emotions: Even though you get pissed off easily and write about stuff like that a lot of the time, it does show emotion. And I think you're trying to write more about your feelings about other people and yourself. It's looking pretty good so keep it up. It was really sweet about you loving Erika so much. Those entries put a smile to my face. (16/20).

Extras: You have exits, all about you (I think you should re-name "extras" to "bio" or something that describes it better) You could add links to your poem-site, friends, and anything else. (5/10).

Link: Yes, it's there. (5/5).

Contact: Notes, guestbook, email, IM (5/5).

Total: 75/100.


Favorite Entry: This one was good. And nice poem here.

Favorite Quote: ??

Comments: I don't have anything to say.

Reviewed by Kathy

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