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eyes to the sky

Content: You seem to be an interesting person, because the first entry I read was very interesting. I couldn�t believe that you talked to the guy on the street! It was quite appalling to me, but after I read your entry, I really understood why you did it. You seem like a nice person too!

You write about things that matter a lot. You don�t just rant all the time, most entries mean something to you and that�s a really good thing. You write about friendship and I really liked that one. Most of your entries are short but they express what you want to say.

Overall, I think you have the content.

Content Score: 33/40

Layout: It�s a design by static designs. It�s quite nice, because the image is stationary, while your entries are movable. I like at first glance, the navigation bar is hidden. I don�t quite like the colours much, though. But it�s quite a nice design.

Layout Score: 14/20

Emotions: There is a lot of depth in your diary. You express yourself very well, even though there were entries that were just ranting.

Emotions Score: 15/20

Extras: Rings, bio, the y project, profile, links.

Extras Score: 10/10

Links: It�s there.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Notes, guestbook. How about a guestmap?

Contact Score: 3/5

Total Score: 80/100 You are eligible to join the Silver Ring. Congrats!


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite. You seem to describe things so well.

Favourite Quote: I'm tired of putting meaning into things that require none. If I'm capable of living, let me live. If I like shelter, let me seek it out or build it. And if my master drops me in a pool and removes the ladders, may I die a timely death.

Comments: Your diary seem very interesting. You have a way with words that brings the reader into your world. I like your writing style.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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