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::fully stripped::

Content: You have a lot of content. Your diary reveals that you are definately a person that has lived and is trying to continue to just live. I read you diary and I read your content, and I just feel like I am reading the diary of a person. Not just this being that seems to exist in only 1 personality at a time, but an actual person who can be loving and hateful, screaming and silent all at the same time. And ironically that is something that kind of turns me off about your diary. You have so much cursing. To me cursing is like TYPING IN ALL CAPS. It just seems to come off so intense, and while that is a good is a little much.

Content Score: 35/40

Layout: Personally, I don't like the layout. It's just there...and I don't like it. However, it fits your whole "stripped" thing and it's daring; which also seems to fit you. And it's your diary, so what does my opinion of it really matter, right? What does matter though is that everything is neatly put and aligned. Very very nice. I am going to give you full credit just because it's well arranged.

Layout Score: 20/20

Emotions: A lot of emotions. In this entry you have a whole entry of quotes. Quotes which I assume have been said to you or while around you. And even though it is other's words there seems to be an underlying emotion connected to all of them. I read your diary, and I dunno maybe I have just lost it, but I feel the whole time I am reading.

Emotions Score: 20/20

Extras: Rings, a tag board, profile, cast, fans, a karmic-curse thing (?), feelings, etc.

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: It's there. And it works! AMAZING!

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Email, notes, tag board.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 95/100

You can join the Sweet Gold Ring!


Favorite quote: "well I realized that I have a low tolerance level for people who get on my nerves lately..."

Comments: You are real -- that is the best thing about you and your diary.

Reviewed By: Blair

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