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You make me smile

Content: Mainly, your diary is about your school life, your fears of not getting into college, friends, exams and stuff like that. It's quite nice, getting to know you through your diary.

This entry was particularly good. I really felt that you know how to balance your life, and you don't give up your life, friends, just for your boyfriend, though I am sure, you love him. It's really good to know that you can balance your life so well.

It's also very interesting, reading about your choices of careers, like teaching, journalism, and such.

Content Score: 32/40

Layout: Beautiful layout! It's something I really, really like! Everything just blends in together - the image, the navigation, even the scrollbar's colour fits in perfectly. It's one of the layouts that I see as perfect, because it's simple without too much extravagance, and focuses on your diary. This layout was done by divadesigns. Awesome!

Layout Score: 19/20

Emotions: You do write about your feelings sometimes, like in this entry, which was really nice.

Emotions Score: 12/20

Extras: Sadly to say, you don't have much extras. There is a profile, and reviews, and you also have a bio about yourself. I really liked your bio though.

Extras Score: 6/10

Links: It's there. It's special, meaning that it's not on a reviews page or anything, I'll give you an extra point for that!

Links Score: 6/5

Contacts: None. No contacts at all? Maybe you can have a guestbook or notes?

Contact Score: 0/5

Total Score: 75/100


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite.

Favourite Quote: remember the truest love, is the one where your love for each other is greater then your need for each other. I think your friend wrote it for you, and I really think it's true too!

Comments: I was a little irritated you know, because your previous and next buttons weren't working. But to round it all up, I kind of like your diary. I really wanted to give you a higher score, but I couldn't! Your contacts and extras were the ones that pulled your score down, but I don't think there is anything you should change about your diary, because the main content is there.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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