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Content: Mainly, your diary is about you, the guy you love, and school. You write a lot about your fantasies, and you are honest about it. This is really good. Also, you include a lot of descriptions in your diary. This described what you were going through.

However, you should vary your topics more.

Content Score: 24/40

Layout: This layout is done by Bitch and Moan and Divadesigns. It�s a pink layout, very sweet, and is very pretty. The layout itself is very nice, but you can improve on the navigation bar. It isn�t organized, and you can actually group some of the stuff together and put it under one page.

Layout Score: 14/20

Emotions: You can be expressive when you like, especially when you miss the person you love. But there were hardly any entries that described your emotions. This was one of the rare few.

Emotions Score: 7/20

Extras: Plenty

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: Working link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, notes, email, and a tagboard.

Contact Score: 4/5

Total Score: 66/100


Favourite Entry: None

Favourite Quote: None

Comments: You can improve your diary a lot. I'm rather critical, so perhaps you can improve and ask for a rereview.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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