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CrazyWhackedOutLife: The Home Of Nilist Bear and Random Acts of Insanity v.2.4- Paint It Black

Content: First of all. You need to archieve. There are so many diaries I have seen, especially recently, that don't archieve. Doing so, will help clean up your older page, and make it more useful.
You diary feels a lot more like a website. I know that sounds weired, and maybe it's just the feeling I get from your template, but you don't write a heck of a lot about you. You have so many "shoutouts" that the meaning of them is a bit lost on me. I understand you have people to thank for things etc... but it seems about bit random. There are some sincere solid entries like this one, but that enty is long, and it's a fanfiction. You need to write more about yourself, and not so much about others. I'm interested in your life.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: As I said before, it gives me the feeling that I've left diaryland, and have found a personal site. That's not a bad thing. In fact, I like it, it's original. It fits your diary, but at the same time, it leaves a lot unanswered about you. Am I beating a dead horse yet?

Layout Score: 16/20

Emotions: You have some many "shoutouts" and "bitchouts" you can't help but notice emotion. It may not always be the direct bleeding heart sort of feelings, but it's not the same old 'girl obseessing over guy' sort of feelings either. You seem real, and much more down-to-earth than a lot of the diaries of seen.

Emotions Score: 17/20

Extras: So much stuff, I lost count.

Extras Score: 11/10

Link: Yep.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Guestbook, email

Contact Score: 4/5

Total Score: 83/100


Comments:Congrats. You can join the Silver Ring

Reviewed By:Amanda

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