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The Grey Scale Says Go

Content:You have a bunch of it here. Most of the entries are fairly long, and I loved to see that. Also i loved how your diary entries had there paragraphs "tabbed". It made it so much easier to read. The only thing i didn't like was that most of your diary entries were from only one point of view. Try to imagine how people on the opposite side of the coin think, it may help to solve your problems! Also some of your entries are only one sentence, try to write as much as you can, and spice it up a bit!

Content Score(36/40)

Layout: All of the colors blend together perfectly. It was very easy to navigate through as well, just three framed boxes in complete order. Everything matched and went together. The font was easy to read and just the right size. I also loved how everything was so neat and completly fool proof. Good organization skills!! The only thing that bothered me was that whenever you clicked a new link, the whole page would refresh. It would be much better if the links just refreshed in the center frame. The alphabet background wouldn't have worked if you had a graphic, but since the layout is sort of plain, it gives it just the right amount of finishing touch it needs.

Layout Score(17/20)

Emotions:Your emoticons were pretty clear in your diary. Your a very articulate person, as i could see in your writing. You told it like a narrator explaining a movie or novel would. I liked that you didn't just vioce your opinions and feelings, but you used examples from the media/church/friends to back them up. The only thing that could produce a problem was your occasional use of words like "rawr" or *dies*, but you just used them as closing statements, or accent points, and also after writing your detailed feelings, so I wont dock any points. Also i think you could go into more detail about how you are feeling and why you think you are feeling that way.

Emoticons Score(15/20)

Extras:You had alot of extras, but not to much as to take away from your diary. Pictures, Quiz Results, extra links, must read diarys, real life friends, cast, and your own personal website were all excellent extras.

Extras Score(10/10)

Link:You linked us, first one under reviews!

Link Score(5/5)

Contact: You had four different ways to contact you, plus your diaryland notes, and it was very easy to find the link.

Contact Score(5/5)

Total: (78/100)


Favorite Entry: I particulary liked entries from here, here and here. But the August 26 one was my favorite. At first i thought it was just going to be another person crying about how it isnt fair, it was never fair, and it will never be fair, but as i read on, i noticed you took the time to do your research and back up your opinion. Reading about the same sex couple really cemented into my mind where you were comming from.

Favorite Quote: "God created me; He knew me from before i was even in the womb. He loved me before time began. so i can't hate myself."

Comments:I love the layout and the whole fact that you are so organized. Work harder at explaining your feelings and just change these few minor details and this diary could be sensational!

Review By Nikole

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