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Again I go Unnoticed

Content: You write very well. Most of things you write are deep, thoughtful and relates to everyone. I like what you write about. You don�t just write about everyday things; you write about things that matter to you and that are closest to your heart. Not only that, but you have a way of presenting your entries that makes it communicate to the reader. This is deep, good writing.

This especially was very good. These questions about God were really deep, and it made me think. Also, you often quote stuff from other people; I really like that.

However, you can improve on the consistency of the length of your entries. Some entries, I noticed, only have a sentence or two.

Content Score: 34/40

Layout: As there is no link to the designer, I assume you did this yourself, and I like your layout. It�s dark, and is kept simple, but everything blends in together well. The image communicates the message that your writing is deep and profound, which I find is true. It is goes on well with your writing. Also, the navigation bar is simple and organized. You can actually put a links page in order to link other diaries. But other than that, your layout is great.

Layout Score: 17/20

Emotions: You are expressive in certain entries, and I am very satisfied with that. You have a way of making the reader feel what you feel, and I can relate to you in many entries.

Emotions Score: 16/20

Extras: Links, photographs.

Extras Score: 4/10

Links: No link.

Links Score: 0/5

Contacts: Guestbook. I really love the way you made it invisible!

Contact Score: 2/5

Total Score: 73/100


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite. I really could relate to you.

Favourite Quote: Trying so hard to make sure you don't follow the crowd, is basically the same as being sheep and following the herd.

Comments: You have a good writing style. I really like it. It was really a pleasure, reading all about you and getting to know you better. Maybe if you improve on the links, contact and extras, you can ask for a rereview, for it was all those that pulled the score down!

Reviewed by: Charlene

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