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A Muse, An Aura

Content: The Good, yet o-so-rare: I attempted this, playing Utopia, that is... lol obviously I'm not very good at teamwork. I think my people voted me out or something. Anyhow! This was a good rant, lol. this kinda had a moral to the story, those can make entries feel "worth it" because people feel as though they've learned something from you. You have a few entries like this that sorta explain your way of thinking, readers enjoy hearing what makes you tick. this one is a really good idea. I actually was going to recommend that. The page where you "expressed yourself through other's words" is a very nice entry. I'm a firm believer that some people are just meant to express things, and some people aren't. The smart ones that can't express themselves ;) express themselves with words that are already written... instead of just sitting there like a bump on a log not trying to reach out to people. You definitely reach out to everyone, through other's words, or through your passionate entries. Yes, passion, that's definitely your strong point (and your weakness).

The Very Bad: I had a very very hard time reading your diary. I had a hard time keeping my eyes on the page and not scrolling and skimming through the entries. Honestly, most of your entries are very boring, despite you effort to spice them up with vocabulary. I've been attempting to review you for about a week now, and it has been hard to find something that jumps out and bites me... other than the entries listed above, in the first paragraph.

Content Score: 20/40

Layout: I was in love with this layout. It's really really nice. Normally I'm not a fan of the whole background picture, but it worked well for you in this one. All navigation is neatly put on the right side, and everything has a nifty name. It's a very simple layout, yet uniquely you. Did you do it yourself? If so, that rocks.

Layout Score: 20/20

Emotions: Hmm, a better word would be "passion," in this case. Your passion overwhelms your entries, which is nice at times, but sometimes a little boring... you know, the "same old gripe" sorta thing? Maybe you could put something exciting and nice that's happened to you, in your diary more often. For people who say "Nothing exciting and nice happens to me," I normally say, pull it from your past. Like a childhood memory of a pet or something. Yeah, so just spice it up with some different emotions, other than passionate rants.

Emotions Score: 18/20

Extras: lots and lots and lots of extras. Fifty-two links on the links page alone. I'm a counter.

Extras Score: 12/10

Link: Yes yes, under judgements

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: The basic three: Guestbook, Notes, email. How about you try to put a guestmap, AIM/Yahoo/MSN/ICQ, or something different?

Contact Score: 4/5

Total: 79/100


Favorite Entry: Didn't have one

Favorite Quote: Nothing really stuck out

Comments: You have an awful lot of entries. I wish I could have read them all, because that would have made for a better review. Instead I just sorta skipped around. I read around 50-60, so, I think it's good. I enjoyed hearing your point of view on political issues; it's always nice to hear about other people's opinions. Keep the political ones in there, but I like your idea of keeping them separate.

Reviewed By:: Judith

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