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1000 times goodbye

Content: You call your diary cher journal, and always end with a song. I like the way you write your journal, enjoyed the bits when you�re talking aloud. Your write about your life like a story, you have a great writing style, you�re truly a talented writer.

What you write about not only interests you personally, but captures the attention of your reader, and allows the reader to understand you more. You bring your reader into your world, you attract your reader into your world, it seems to me that you write in a way that traps the reader in your world, and no other world other than yours.


Content Score: 38/40

Layout: The navigation is very user friendly. Simple, but really nice, in a certain way. The layout is by pixelscripts.

Layout Score: 13/20

Emotions: You write mostly about your emotions, your ups and downs in your daily life, which possess a kind of power that inspired me. This entry was very emotional. You write with such passion. This writing, I am sure, can capture millions of readers in the online world out there. Good work.

Emotions Score: 17/20

Extras: Reviews, rings, profile, and some links.

Extras Score: 8/10

Links: A working text link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, notes, and email.

Contact Score: 4/5

Total Score: 85/100 You are eligible to join the Silver Ring.


Favourite Entry: This entry was my favourite.

Favourite Quote: And the world out there does not take the second-best-hand-me-downs. They take first place winners that looked down upon me at every one of those competitions. You hit the truth.

Comments: You have a great style in writing. I didn�t find one entry that was not worth reading. Pleasure to read your diary.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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