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I�m real, what you get is what you see.

Content: Mainly about your life as a single parent. This is really interesting, considering you experience a lot of inner conflict. You also realize a lot about yourself, as in this entry. It seems to me that this diary is a place where you recharge your worn out batteries before you face the world again. You include emotions in your diary, especially about you and Kurt, and wanting a father for your daughter. You love your daughter so much, and I think she�s very lucky to have a mother like you!

You can improve on the consistency of your entries. You write very often, but there were entries where there was only one sentence, and some are very long.

Content Score: 32/40

Layout: It�s an orange layout by saucy designs. It�s really cool, because all the colours just blend in together. I like the organization, even though I don�t quite like the image. On the whole, everything just fits in together.

Layout Score: 14/20

Emotions: You are very passionate about your love, but I can hardly find more writing about your emotions, like whether you are happy or sad or angry. When I read your diary, I get the feeling that you�re extremely hyped up, but I�m not so sure about that because you don�t really write about your emotions other than love.

Emotions Score: 9/20

Extras: Profile, pictures and cast. How about having a links page?

Extras Score: 6/10

Links: A working button link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Notes, AIM, guestbook, guestmap, and email. Definitely contactable!

Contact Score: 6/5

Total Score: 72/100


Favourite Entry: None.

Favourite Quote: The sun will always shine after the storm. Perfectly true.

Comments: I enjoyed reading your diary. Not all your entries, but some. It�s pretty interesting because I haven�t yet known a single mother who is so extremely young. You open an unknown world to me, of the problems you face, and of the life you live. Interesting.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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