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These wounds won�t seem to heal... this pain is just too real...

Content: Your diary is occasionally about your life, and occasionally about things that interest both you and people. I like the latter more. You seem to have talent in writing, for you write, sometimes, about things that not only matter to you, but to your reader as well. That�s a great thing, and I like it.

This entry about your going back to school was pretty interesting. I get what you mean when you say that your school is like Pleasantville, I know what you mean that they all seem perfect, and by the way, I don�t think you�re fat! It was an interesting entry. But there were occasional entries in which I was bored with.

This entry about growing up was good. It seems to me that you�ve outgrown the stage of life where you care about every petty thing that comes along your way. I like it that you realize things about yourself. Not everyone can do that.

The quality of your content can be greatly improved, as shown in many entries, as I have mentioned above.

Content Score: 30/40

Layout: A dark layout. It�s pretty cool because of the image, but a little messy because of the quotes you display at the bottom of the page. There are two scrollbars on the page and I didn�t quite like that. I also think that you ought to put your archives and current entry at the top of the page rather than at the bottom of the navigation.

Layout Score: 10/20

Emotions: When it comes to the subject of emotions, you do include your emotions, but only at times. This was quite good, but in general, your writing didn�t strike me as the full-of-emotions type. I like the interesting way you write, but it wasn�t because of the emotions that made your diary good.

Emotions Score: 8/20

Extras: Profile, your website, quizzes, 100 things, pictures, and diaryrings.

Extras Score: 12/10

Links: A working text link.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Guestbook, notes, AIM and email.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 70/100


Favourite Entry: I liked this entry. You seemed so passionate about it!

Favourite Quote: In the grand scheme of life, one bad grade really isn't something to try to kill myself over. How true.

Comments: I like your diary, but only on occasion. There are some entries that shouldn�t have been written, because it was clear that you had nothing to say. On the whole, keep up your style of writing. A little improvement can bring many more readers to your diary!

Reviewed by: Charlene

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