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Once upon a dream�


A lot of your entries are randomness. The first entry I got was this one. It was fairly long and very random. I thought it was just one of those days. I went back to the last entry and I saw a long entry again. I thought it would be like the first one, so I was thinking, "awe man." But then when I read it, it was a story. It really pulled me in, like I was reading a novel. It was one of your best entries.

Overall, I thought your content was ok. I mean besides the fact that a lot of your entries jump from subject to subject, you have good grammar and writing skills.


Layout: Much thanks to lucky designs On most of your entries the PREVIOUS button isn�t working so I had to keep going back and forth to the older.html. It was kind of a hassle. (15/20)

Emotions: You don�t show much emotions. I think the only emotions I got were from your poems, but I don�t even know if you wrote it out of emotions.(10/20)

Extras: you have plenty of extras� but your why mij page doesn�t work.(9/10)

Link: It�s there. (5/5)

Contact: E-mail, notes, and guestbook.(3/5)

Total: (72/100)


Favorite Entry: This was a good poem.

Favorite Quote: -

Comments: You are a good writer when you want to be. If you stick to one subject per entry, and put more emotions in it, your diary would probably be one of the best ones out there.

Reviewed by:: Thi

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