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Titilating Tudor Tales

Content: Oh man medieval comedy lol, great stuff. A sixth finger of all things! The mole was quite funny too.

Great work. This is the first entry I really felt as though I was getting to know Mary. Though comical, it's very personal.

William Carey sounds incredible. I really liked the way you described him, sticking to the time period.

Sir William Light of the House of Miller HAHA!! Miller Light. So great... lol.

I have to admit I don't know anything about Europe's history other than the English invasion of Scotland and Ireland. I'd love to learn more, however with the knowledge I have now I must question. I don't know a lot about Mary Boleyn other than what my mother told me when I was younger. I'm learning to love the story though! Mary seems to be a bit of a flirt, which makes things all the more interesting! What makes the story even more interesting is that it's all true.

I'm assuming you write the entries from your own knowledge. So here's this:

You have an incredible knowledge of the story in order to write these entries. I couldn't begin to show how much detail you know about the characters and the story and the time period. You really care about these people enough to do them justice. Honestly I've never seen so much work go into the content of a diary.

I couldn't help but laugh at this. It's horrible that he was so mean, but soooo funny at the same time.

I like the fact that you sign the diary entry differently just about every time. I don't know why I like it so much, I just do! Keep doing that!

Content Score: 50/40 - nope, that's not a typo

Layout: Well, the layout's nice for the period, in all its simplicity. I understand how you wish to keep the diary in the right year for your writing, but I think you could maybe make it look like an actual diary. Like an old English diary that Mary had kept. I could even help you out if you want because I know how hard it is to find a template for a regular diary, much less a specialized diary. So, long story short: The layout's plain, to match the period, however it's a little too plain for the excitement going on in the diary.

Layout Score: 15/20

Emotions: Oh tons, You get Mary's emotions across so well. You know so much about her that you can play the part. That's always incredible.

Emotions Score: 20/20

Extras: Ask Mary, profile... :( I'm disappointed. You could add links to historical sites about Mary Boleyn, medieval England, Henry VIII, all sorts of stuff!

Extras Score: 12/10

Link: Yep, prefab button, right on the template!

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: Email, guestbook, but then again not many people need to contact Mary, they'd probably enjoy contacting you much more. So I'm going to say that that's enough contact for Mary.

Contact Score: 4/5

Total: 106/100 - you may join the Sweet Platinum Ring!


Favorite Entry: 6-fingers

Favorite Quote: didn't have one

Comments: Very nice diary, I'd love to hear from you, and I'm putting you on my personal favorites.

Reviewed By:: Judith

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