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You have arrived at your destination.

Content: Your diary is based on your traveling adventures. That alone intrigued me. I found it very interesting that you are compiling your adventures, and you certainly write interestingly. This and this were very descriptive. I haven�t been to Amsterdam and I found it nice to read about your descriptions because it gave me an insight about what the place was really like. And oh, I�m so jealous that you get to visit Paris and you get to visit the Eiffel Tower!!

You have a sense of humour, which was clearly shown in this entry. The way you narrate about your experiences is wonderful. I got more and more absorbed as the time went by. However, I got quite mixed up with the friends you mentioned in the diary. So perhaps you should think about getting a cast page.

In short, I love your content. You sound so enthusiastic in every entry that I myself entered into that enthusiasm when I read your diary, becoming more and more excited as you narrate about your visits to the various places I had never been before.

Content Score: 35/40

Layout: There isn�t a link to the design of the layout, so I assume you did it by yourself. It�s quite good; the scroll bar has a very nice blue. Not only that but the navigation is easy to find. The only problem was that you older page did not link back to the index page.

Layout Score: 14/20

Emotions: Your diary is mainly more about the narration of your adventures, so you hardly include emotions in your diary. This was one of the very rare ones. Actually, I don�t like it as much when you include your emotions. It seems to me that you make a wonderful descriptive and narrative writer, but when it comes to emotions, there isn�t quite the touch that I can relate to.

Emotions Score: 7/20

Extras: Rings, profile, and stowaways.

Extras Score: 5/10

Links: A button link. It�s easy to find.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Notes. How about your guestbook? Your email?

Contact Score: 2/5

Total Score: 68/100


Favourite Entry: I liked this entry because you questioned yourself and you reflected about how you ended up traveling.

Favourite Quote: The exciting thing about it is that when you look up at the sky at home, you wonder if people on the other side of the world are looking up at it too.

Comments: Your writing is generally good. In fact, your content score must be one of the highest that I have given. It is actually your contact and extras that pulled your score down. If you include more extras like a cast page, reviews, and others, your score would definitely have been higher.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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