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View The World Through Tear-Stained Eyes...

Content: Your writing is deep, but sometimes I'm not sure if you know what you mean. On the same subject I still think you have a better grip on things than most people. Some of your entries tend to get really long. I found myself skimming at parts, and still getting what I wanted to know about your day. This entry is a good length, and tells me exactly what I want to know. You have great entries, they're just a bit inconsistant.

Content Score: 32/40

Layout: I'm assuming it's self made. For some reason the background image occasionally takes longer to load, but it's not missing. The white/black contrast is something I like, and used to have myself. Your navigation is easy to use, but when I was looking for stuff I wasn't always sure what I supposed to click on.

Layout Score: 21/20

Emotions: This had the most emotion of what I read. It was dripping with it. You showed concern for someone you don't really consider a friend, and really opened yourself up. I wish some of your other entries were like it (but shorter that it of course). Use the logic and emotion you talk about, it makes your diary more interesting to read.

Emotions Score: 16/20

Extras: Cast, picutres, links, 101 things, & more.

Extras Score: 10/10

Link: Not so easy to find, but it's in a logical place, and it works.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: MSN, e-mail, notes, guestbook, and that handy SuperGold comments thingy.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 89/100


Favorite Quote: "Life IS worth living, because worth is of consiousness and through consiousness. So worth is a tool the consiousness can use in any way it wants. And I decide my life is worth living for no other reason than that.."

Reviewed By:Amanda

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