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You can�t lose something you never had...

Content: Your diary is a very personal one. You evidently trust you diary, as you confide many things about yourself to it. The content of is diary mainly focuses on you, your inner conflict, your interests and your daily life. I like the way you start your entries with a quote. It gave me an idea of what you were going to write.

You actually talk about yourself a lot, as in this, that was good, and this.

I like the way you talk about yourself, because you write about things that matter to you. But even then, you write mostly for yourself instead for your reader.

Content Score: 33/40

Layout: The layout is taken from PixelScripts. It�s neat and organized, and I could find whatever I wanted in a glance. Although it�s a little plain, it isn�t too bad.

Layout Score: 13/20

Emotions: Some of your entries, as in this, this, and this involved emotions, and I liked these entries, especially the latter. But majority of your entries were more about the ramblings of your daily life and the conflicts you faced.

Emotions Score: 11/20

Extras: Survey, cast, bio, letters, favourites, profile, there are quite a lot.

Extras Score: 10/10

Links: Easy to find. It�s there.

Links Score: 5/5

Contacts: Email, guestbook and notes. How about a tagboard or a guestmap?

Contact Score: 3/5

Total Score: 75/100


Favourite Entry: This entry had a way of capturing my attention because it didn't focus so much on you, but rather on things that would generally interest people.

Favourite Quote: Answers fade away, and thoughts emerge into conversation. Then all at once, there are groups of people connected not by similarities, but by the intrigue of their differences.

Comments: You can be good in writing when you want to. Certain entries used very emotive language, and you have great style, but only at times. Increase the number of these entries and your diary will certainly be a pleasure to read.

Reviewed by: Charlene

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