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Alone... Sometimes it's just where I need to be.

Content: I hate feeling like this. It makes you feel so stupid afterward. You explain it pretty well.

This is indeed a hellish day. You sound really reckless with yourself in the entry. A word of advice, if you take too many tylenol and you're left alone for long enough you'll die slowly and painfully. It'll take days. So uh, lol just taking 6 would give you horrible stomach problems. I hope you don't do that again. And the "Trust no one" it's my philosophy as well. A lot of people don't understand, but I think you explain that well also.

My heart stopped while reading this one like... 15 times... lol. That was scary. Incredibly great writing.

I'm glad you're not too worried to include these things in your diary. It helps us know you better when you tell us really private things. Everyone's felt that way in one way or another, because everyone's sinned. So it's nice to have something to relate to.

This was long awaited. I've been trying to figure out why you're so angry/scared/disgusted with your boss. Now we know.

Yikes, I hope SL doesn't find this diary.

You put a lot of effort into your entries. You seem to want to please the reader and clear your thoughts at the same time. That's a happy medium. I wasn't OVERLY impressed, I was however a little impressed by your honesty and your insanely crazy emotions.

Content Score: 35/40

Layout: Very nice, very simple. The picture doesn't work all of the time. I had the same problem for a while, it's just the image's server. You might want to put it on a more reliable one. At first I was confused by the white jumble of words toward the right. Then I realized they were links. That could be a bit confusing, but it's also pretty original. You might wanna clean them up by putting a - between them, or * or something. Just to separate them. Oh okay, I just saw your current page, very nice, very straightened out. I miss the picture lol. You could maybe put the picture in a fixed location and put the links over top of it. Anyhow, I'll grade you on the most recent layout, the one on the index.html page!

Layout Score: 18/20

Emotions: Tons, and tons and tons, and you even get them across well. Except this time it's a combination of descriptive paragraphs about how you feel, and descriptive paragraphs about how you reacted to things. I liked how you told the ENTIRE story, even if it made you look stupid. Very humbling.

Emotions Score: 20/20

Extras: 2 if you count clix :(. Aww, I'm upset! 1pt per extra.

Extras Score: 2/10

Link: I saw it somewhere, but I don't remember where. Anyhow, I can't find it now. I would hope you would put it on your template. However, since I did see it at one time, I'm not scrapping this review.

Link Score: 0/5

Contact: email, notes (if you count profile), guestbook. Oh and your profile goes to lissielips which is confusing!

Contact Score: 3/5

Total: 78/100


Favorite Entry: Ths one.

Favorite Quote: Didn't really have one, but I didn't look for one either.

Comments: Where'd our link go? I remember it being there when I started the review! Ugh :( lol put it back up so I don't have to scrap this review.

Reviewed By:: Judith

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