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My Beauty Lies On The Inside...

Content: I started here. I was ready to dive into your diary, but things came to a screaming halt. You complelty dis yourself in the entry. You need more confidence.
I suggest you actually read Othello, btw. Because your guessing is wrong, and teachers will know. ;)
This entry was something that I saw coming, and it disturbed me quite a bit. You're not fat! I promise you. You wrote in another entry what your weight was, and I'm sure it's now less, either way, you are NOT fat. Your entries go quiet about your weight briefly, and then I just had to stop. I'll never understand eating disorders, I'm "fat", but I'll never understand them. Too depressing for me, please, tell someone, get some help, and pary about it.

Content Score:31/40

Layout: A layout by mageleted designs. I like it, simple as that. But I find it ironic that it says; "Are you beautiful... I know I am." and yet, your writing doesn't reflect that at all. As your diary title reflects "Your beauty lies on the inside." Cheer up, you're a much better person than you know.

Layout Score: 18/20

Emotions: You're filled with them. I can feel your heart ache, and it makes mine hurt too.

Emotions Score: 20/20

Extras: Rings, & bio.

Extras Score: 5/10

Link: Yep.

Link Score: 5/5

Contact: E-mail, notes, and guestbook.

Contact Score: 5/5

Total Score: 84/100


Favorite Quote: "I've been writing a lot lately, haven't I? I guess I just love the idea of not having to hide a diary from my sisters."

Comments:I don't feel like I can say it enough, you have a great life, you're beautiful, don't hurt yourself and starve or exercise yourself to death. I may be a total stranger, but I care.

Reviewed By:Amanda

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