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do i try too hard?

CONTENT: Very intense diary. In fact, I feel a bit strange even calling it a "diary". You have a wonderful gift for conveying your feelings onto the written page, and for making the reader, (me), feel as if I am listening to you speak to me. Whether your entries are one line as in this example, or a bit more lenghty as in this entry, you show your vulnerability with equally well. I am very impressed with your style, and I believe that writing is and can be, very much a form of therapy for everyone. Feelings express in writing force us to deal with situations and circumstances one way or another. Very well done.

Content Score: 40/40

LAYOUT Great layout for your particular style of writing. There is simpicity, yet power. Design credit to:Lissy Designs. The navigation is clear and easy. I like the way you continued your overall them with the past/present links reading "healed scars" and "fresh wounds". I did not come across any broken links. Well done.

Layout Score: 20/20

EMOTIONS Your writing is full of emotion. I think your writing is very courageous. This entry was very well done. Also, this, your latest entry is overwhelming, and frightening. I hope that you are able to move "past the lion", and be happy. I have been in postions similar to yours. I'm here if you ever want to email back and forth. I'm 37, so I've been through a few emotional and mental wars in my life.

Emotions Score: 20/20

EXTRAS: Nice extras: poetry, survey page, (no surveys, yet :)), cast, profile, links, likes, dislikes, reviews, and 100 facts.

Extras Score: 10/10

LINK: Yep, the link is there, and it works fine.

Link Score: 5/5

CONTACT: Email, notes, guestbook...yup, you're "contactable"!

Contact Score: 5/5

TOTAL SCORE: 100/100

You have a talent; I hope that you continue writing. It was great to read such a well-versed and expressive diary.

Reviewed by Leslie Irene

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