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The summer flower

CONTENT: This diary was somewhat boring at times, however, you can be good at writing about thoughts and how you perceive things. Like in this entry, for example. It kind of gave me, as the reader, a negative feeling when you said �we�re all going to die anyways�. It seems like you do know your beliefs and aren�t afraid to share them, but it would have been more interesting to explain why you think the things you do. People who read your diary are going to have different opinions than you do (as is the way with everyone�s writings), so it�s important to back up your opinions and theories with information that will hold a reader�s interest; otherwise the reader probably won�t want to read any more. It bugged me a little how you make many call-out references to your friends. It�s understandable that you want to say hi to your friends that are reading your diary, but it gave me the impression that that�s all you write for: your friends. Remember, ANYONE can read an online diary, not just people you know. The quiz results that I found here and there in your diary added an interesting touch and added info about yourself. Watch yourself with that drug and alcohol thing. (18/40)

LAYOUT: Nice layout�very pretty. Credit was given to the designer, PooDesigns. One thing though, the center of the sunflower makes the words that go over it pretty hard to see, especially the first paragraph. It got annoying having to highlight the words in order to see them for every entry�ya might want to change the font color. Your links are organized and they all work, but the images on the Pictures page don�t show up for me. Perhaps it�s a problem with uploading and hosting images; it may have been done incorrectly. If that�s the case, let me know and I can probably help you. Nice imood. (16/20)

EMOTIONS: Hmm, not too many emotions�I read in one of your entries that you were sort of afraid to just vent because you didn�t want it to backfire. That�s understandable, but hey if you want a diary where you can just vent and vent and vent and not have to worry, start a locked diary. I know that you said you started a new diary that was full of emotions, so maybe that�s the one you want to get reviewed next time. You have song lyrics in your diary, which many people use as a way to show their feelings, so that�s a good start. (10/20)

EXTRAS: Separate pages devoted to reviews, cast, lyrics, rings, and pictures, though they don�t work (see above). Maybe ya wanna add the links to a couple sites you enjoy visiting. The scoring in this section of the review is based on how much you have, so the more ya add, the more ya get. (8/10)

LINK: Yep, and she�s got one of the pretty buttons for it, too :) (5/5)

CONTACT: Notes, guestbook, MSN Messenger screenname in the profile. The MSN screenname could be useful to put right in the diary, as would an e-mail address for someone who might want to send you a personal message (you can always use your forwarding [email protected] address if you don�t want to use your real e-mail address). (3/5)


Fave Quote: "I feel like I can't think for myself and that I am always trying to please them. But it's hard to please someone when you can't please yourself you know?" Very true.

Fave Entry: Don�t have one.

Comments: Don�t be afraid to open up and write about how you feel inside. Any true friend would understand and learn to appreciate that.

Reviewed by: Linda

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