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Die Avril Die!

Content: I liked reading about who you, Jessica is. It�s long and really interesting to read. You write poop a lot, like �anypoop.� I don�t think that�s appealing at all, but I guess it�s your style. You have a pretty unique and interesting writing voice. Good job on having over 243 entries! You�ve been doing this for quite awhile. It seems like you stay on the surface of what happens in your life. I like it best when you�re talking about your feelings more, like in this entry when you talk about your mom and questioning about eternity. The picture of your dog, maxi-pad is really cute! =) You have some spelling errors, but that�s okay. (30/40).

Layout: I don�t really like the layout because it doesn�t show all the different sections you might have until you scroll down more and it�s all in one line. The picture is well done even if I don�t like the message; it definitely shows your hatred for Avril and some of your character as well! The design is by Lissy Designs and what�s under the picture is pretty simple layout and easy to find stuff once you know where the links are. The then and now links don�t work though! You have A LOT of older entries. That�s good of course, but maybe you can archive them? I like the blue background layout with a picture of the hot guy! with links to one side, and the latest on the left. So I like that layout better then the new one�(14/20).

Emotions: You sometimes write about your inner feelings, but not constantly. It was good that you got some emotions, like being pissed off, about your weight, etc� across though. (14/20).

Extras: You have a cast, in rings, I like the word of the day idea and the quizzes. Some of the pictures didn�t come up though. I did one of the newest ones you have too and the country I am is Australia! (7/10).

Link: Yes, you used one of our buttons! (5/5).

Contact: Email, notes, book. (5/5).

Total: 75/100


Favorite Entry: Unsweet 16 was good. I enjoyed reading it. So sorry that it wasn�t fun though! =( I hope next year will be better for you!

Favorite Quote: Dear cheeseless rice, our dishwasher has been boken for like 5 days and we [wait, make that I] have been washing nasty-ass, dirty dishs by hand.

Comments: Keep doing what you�re doing! =)

Reviewed by Kathy

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